Advertising campaigns on Facebook: Tips & tricks
Advertising campaigns on Facebook: Tips & tricks
There are some guidelines that you can miss in life, such as the tips in the roasting cakes. Or when someone gives you unsolicited advice about your relationship. But when it comes to doing advertising campaigns on Facebook, things are different. Here are some useful recommendations that many social media experts have to say about the questions you should ask when creating a Facebook ad campaign.
Whoever is hot with soup, blows and you do not know
Before you run a new campaign, you need to know where you are at the moment. The relationship between interactions - likes, shares and comments - and the total number of page likes is the first point of reference. Through this, you can get an idea of how your audience is interacting with you at this time.
If you do not get a relevant interaction right now, you should put this first before running a new campaign. An existing interaction-based campaign gets more effective results, most of the time.
Advertising Campaigns on Facebook? But what are their goals?
It's a pretty clear question, but the answer must be the same: What are the goals?
There are a lot of campaign types that you can run. Your approach to them depends on what you want to get. Do you want to promote a particular product? Or just make your business known to people?
It's also useful to know who you want to promote accurately. Setting up your target audience is an essential criterion. What is the main reference for the people you are addressing? Are there people who have knowledge of the field in which you work or do you actually want to attract new people to the industry in which you work? These questions need to determine exactly the message you will send, but also how you will do it.
Setting clear goals for a Facebook ad campaign will make it more effective.
Keep the way you communicate with people
Do not think that Facebook is an unknown realm where you need to speak a new language to interact with customers. Communicate with them the same way you do it through the other marketing methods you use. Otherwise, you risk losing your target audience and losing customers.
You do not want to create a mischievance between your brand and the way you present it on Facebook. If you use two different voices, you will only disorient people. Lack of consistency gives you a sense of insecurity and can lower people's trust in your brand.
In other words, let your customers be themselves.
Call to action as specific as possible
It is not enough to invite people to do something: it is important to invite them to do more precisely.According to market studies, Facebook's advertising performance is different depending on the action that consumers are urging to do.Be specific and direct when you invite people to do something.
Provide incentives - and do it in a strategic way
Another way to motivate people to click on your link? Give them something nice.
When you stimulate people in a certain way to do a certain action, you usually get better results. And this can be done in a strategic way. For example, we conducted an advertising campaign where the customer offered free shipping for orders of over 150 lei while promoting a product worth 100 lei. The outcome? People have been motivated both to visit the website and to buy a product next to the one promoted to benefit from free delivery. This way of advertising is an excellent example of how you can stimulate audiences to discover a wider range of your products in addition to the product promoted in the campaign.
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